Thursday, October 21, 2010

Midnight Choices

The telephone rang at half past midnight on Monday. It was the HR person wanting to catch up on where things were up to. In my sleepy stupor, I mentioned that we'd had a new person come on staff and said I would check if that made any change to the situation regarding my availability. It didn't. Was that a mistake? Probably not because I was sick as a dog on Tuesday and still recovering Wed and Thurs. I think I'm better now.

All the same, I took the phone off the hook last night so we could all get a good night's sleep. On Monday I ended up awake until 3 AM! This morning an email asked, "Any new developments? I tried to call but your line was busy" Hmmm, I did send an email on Tuesday about that; I re-sent it. At ten minutes past knock off time for her - early morning for me - I said, "She's not going to call." Minutes later, the phone rang. "Can you come this weekend?" "Er, (pause) it will be more expensive on the weekend." I know because I've been reserving seats from this end. She's going to check out Monday flights and we will talk tonight.

Yesterday, I made some inquiries and remembered about a course on Tuesday that I intended to take if I was still here. Have asked if there are places. I did learn that I could have some work about five hours away during November. Perhaps this adventure needs to wait until the new year. Decisions today...

In my recovery lethargy yesterday, I thought I heard a car and then the ride-on mower. In fact, it was a truck delivering four young steers! They're brown-black (Angus?) and now hiding on the far side of the dam in the east paddock.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm choices, choices. Doesn't sound like Hawaii is high on the list. Guess I should look at tickets to Goose Bay just in case??!!
